
All you need is a refrigerator magnet. FRIDGE-MAGNET-499371_1920. If it slides off easily, then the pan may not have enough magnetic qualities to work well on an induction stove.jpg famous Order made Aluminum ladder suppliers If you have an induction stove, you probably know that induction cook tops use magnetic fields to generate heat. Because of this all pots and pans used on an induction stovetop must have a magnetic bottom in order to heat.

If you have an induction stove, you probably know that induction cook tops use magnetic fields to generate heat. But, if other materials are blended in, or the pan is made of aluminum, glass, or ceramic, your food just won’t cook. Place the magnet on the bottom of the pot or pan and then turn the pot over and give it a little shake..The next time you shop for new pots and pans, be sure to take a magnet with you to the store. Did the magnet stick If so, the pot can be used on an induction stove.Most pure metal pans, such as cast iron, steel and some stainless steel will work with induction stovetops.It is important to note that the magnet needs to adhere to the pan very well


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